OPrep4.6 - The learner will exhibit the interpersonal relationship skills needed for success in the workplace.
- OPrep4.6.01 - Demonstrates sensitivity to cultural diversity in the workplace.
- OPrep4.6.02 - Develops natural supports in the workplace.
- OPrep4.6.03 - Demonstrates appropriate employee-supervisor interactions.
- OPrep4.6.04 - Demonstrates basic customer service skills in chosen career pathway: performance consistent with company's customer service policy, helpful and friendly interactions, customer complaints, requests for information.
- OPrep4.6.05 - Exhibits teamwork in the workplace.
- OPrep4.6.06 - Demonstrates the ability to handle workplace conflict.
- OPrep4.6.07 - Demonstrates the ability to effectively participate within the parameters and abide by the guidelines of formal and informal organizational systems in an employment setting: chain of command, corporate culture, departments (e.g. personnel, finance, purchasing, maintenance, etc.), formal and informal lines of communication, formal and informal leadership, committees, task forces, quality circles, teamwork, democratic voting, consensus decision-making.